IOCOM Membership Fee 2024-25

20 Sep 2024 by Sandiran (Sandi) Premakanthan

Dear members,
On September 1st 2023, IOCOM implemented the membership fee policy (see attached document).

This is a call to all members, individual and corporate to support IOCOM with your payment for 2024-25. Please access your account and go to the ‘store feature" and make your payment with your credit cards through our on-line payment system. Your fees are due in Canadian dollars . We are operating our business in Canadian dollars to reduce our bank charges. Your financial contribution is a vital source of revenue for IOCOM’s growth and financial sustainability. I also encourage you to activate your account if you have not done so by visiting our webpage at

Our management and governance team is preparing a calendar of capacity building/professional development events for 2024-25 which includes webinars, workshops and a conference in June 2025. We will release the details in September through a broadcast and upload it on our website.

With best wishes,

Sandiran (Sandi) Premakanthan
President/Chair, IOCOM Board of Directors.

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